the collections:
Many Paths
All paths are empty until we walk them.
What is most suitable for one, might be the path less travelled.
Any path is the correct path provided it is walked in peace.
The creation of Many Paths was borne from a desire to express my belief that one's highest spiritual realization can be attained by traveling along any number of paths.
The journey always begins at the center, from within ourselves, where the circle expresses oneness, wholeness and unity and from where all spirituality is derived. We then search our hearts for the path that touches us most deeply and which carries us one step closer to our own personal spiritual fulfillment.
We live in very challenging times and the need for global harmony and unification has never been more apparent.
This goal is most certainly attainable and one we need to move towards. If we loosen our grip on the aversions we feel toward paths other than our own, we would witness this occurrence most naturally. We might then appreciate our neighbor's views, a path that opens the way for and, what's more, we might begin to witness vast similarities in our morals and tenets. Perhaps the chasm is not so great after all.
The fundamental issue is our perception that there exists only one trail to the peak; only one road that leads to peace, enlightenment and salvation. Let’s take a significant and rewarding journey. Where we embrace and respect each other's right to have chosen a specific path. For surely we recognize that when we share the same route, we may witness very different vistas and experience various individual thoughts, feelings and perceptions.
At each and every moment we possess the capability to achieve humankind's greatest objective. We are poised at the precipice of realizing that this is what we were created to do! This is, in fact, our purpose. I hope this pendant can be a shining example of a commitment to, and recognition of, our interconnectedness.